#225 – 30–39-year-olds Part Two Health Fitness Nutrition and Age of Tradespeople with Dimitri from Pure Motivation Fitness

The Construction Life di Manny Neves

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Part Two –30–39-year-olds #FitnessFridays with Dimitri Giankoulas

It all begins with weight, the scale, is the old way of tracking your gains and losses, it’s truly about body composition, a reflection of tissues in relation to each other, fat and lean muscle tissue. In your 30’s your body begins to change, add life, marriage, kids, work, stress and watch your fitness drop and be pushed to the end of the line, worst thing to do.

Food, find out what your body needs in nutrition, for example, Dimitri needs 1.5 grams of protein per his weight, multiply that 1.5 by your weight at 195 pounds and that’s 292 grams of protein per day with his training routine. It’s simple, you eat more than you burn, you gain weight. Opening a business is harder than tracking and training your body for life. Adaptation of the body is a no ... 

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