Episodi del podcast
Stagione 2
Jamás Vencida: The Fight Against Gender Violence in Puerto Rico
Emma and Marianne speak with award-winning journalist Andrea González-Ramírez about the epidemic of gender violence in Puerto Rico. . Suliani's Poem (trans. Marianne Tissot): I want you to think of me as the woman who borrowed courage from past and present warriors. That daily step that inspires me to believe that where there are ovaries there is more than strength to keep going. Hardworking woman, never defeated. Infinite light that illuminates that sunset that paints the most colorless flower. I am part of that army where there is only room for brave weapons, but with red lipstick. Poetry Collection: https://www.amazon.com/mujer-l%C3%A1piz-labial-rojo-Spanish/dp/B08QRYXW69/ref=sr Resources: Colectiva Feminista en Construcción, Taller Salud, Coordinadora Paz para las Mujeres, @con.sentimientospr
Notes From the Flock
Vulva Is Not A Dirty Word