
An Existentially Simulated Byte of Reality with Sol Luckman

The Paranormies di Johnny, Reinhardt, Dogbot, Jack, and Grognak

Note sull'episodio

Johnny and Grognak welcome psychonaut Sol Luckman to the show for the first time. Sol is a writer and artist who is dedicated to exploring and exposing the truth behind human history and potential, which has led him to the Paranormies!

Sit back and enjoy a deep episode about a wide array of topics from spiritual shamanism to cryptids and much more.

Schrodinger's Virus.

Paranormal Activities

Sasquatch through the veil

Astrological Oddities

Rewriting History


Are we in a school or a prison


Philip K Dick

Time Travel

Crowrising on youtube

Sol Luckman on Telegram