Note sull'episodio

Hello there Chummers, and welcome back to the Hard Knocks Sorority Podcast, a Shadowrun 4th Edition actual play podcast. In Episode 22 the team sends Diendre out on errands, eats muffins, buys a side car and meets the creep Mr. Johnson. Oh and there is a meeting with a very special fan club. As always featuring Veronika as Cecile, Beth as Grace aka Nightingale, Kat as Diendre, and Val as Ali aka Boxer. I'm really happy that you are joing us on this journey and hope you enjoy it. If you do please tell your friends and leave us a positive review. We are available on most pod cast services, Youtube, Itunes, etc. You can also find a link to our discord server in the podcast description and on the youtube channel. We would love to hear from you and we share a lot of in game paydata there as well such as maps, intros, fluff and character stories.