
"Haunted History Unveiled: Inside the Enfield,CT Demon House with the Yaples - Prepare to Be Petrified!

Talking With The Source di AJ Capasso,Robin Haffern,Jon Keyworth & Stevo Hopkins and Sir Kris

Note sull'episodio

Welcome to "Talking With The Source," your gateway to the realms beyond. Join us as we delve into the mysteries of the paranormal, seeking insight from those who have encountered the unexplainable firsthand. In this special episode, we are honored to be joined by the Yaples, owners of the infamous Enfield Demon House in Connecticut, USA.

Prepare to be spellbound as we unravel the chilling tales surrounding the Enfield Demon House, a place shrouded in darkness and whispered legends. From eerie sightings to unexplained phenomena, the Yaples share their spine-tingling experiences and offer a glimpse into the otherworldly forces that inhabit their home.

With our expert guests leading the way, we journey deep into the heart of the unknown, exploring the enigmatic realms where the veil between the living and the supernatural grows thin. Thr ... 

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demonsdemonicparanormal podcastparanormal investigationsparanormal evidenceparanormal activityparanormal ghostdeparanormal pod