Untangling Eric Weinstein's appearance on Modern Wisdom with Chris Williamson

Surfing The Discourse di Jack Treadwell

Note sull'episodio

G'day discourse surfers!

Join me as we surf the foamy wave of Eric Weinstein's recent conversation with Chris Williamson. This is an exhilarating ride - though the seas are rather perilous; strewn as they are with Eric's jargon and obscure references, as well as his murky arguments and cloudy concepts.

The conversation dwells on the misbehavior of Jeffrey Epstein, the malice of the mainstream media, and the urgent need for us to escape our doomed planet. These are heady and tumultuous seas indeed - so take a couple of sealegs, and let's dive in.


Eric Weinstein on Modern Wisdom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJxBnSyH0T4

Eric Weinstein's Portal episode:

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