Ellen Hooper's morbid but effective approach to defining parenting roles

Ready or Not di Ready or Not & Witching Hour

Note sull'episodio

Ellen Hooper is a people and culture expert. She's a a passionate speaker and media commentator and she's currently writing a parenting book. She's been interviewing a lot of dads. In fact, she's become a bit obsessed with dads and their voice and opinions in the conversation of how we rebalance the mental load of parenting.

She's full to the brim with incredible advice and lived experience when it comes to career and motherhood and 50/50 parenting, and she's deeply passionate in educating mothers on doing the maths when it comes to their paid work, their superannuation, and their overall financial security.

Here, we talk about the research that flies in the face of the gender norms often associated with parenting, her morbid but important advice for looking at how we view care work and housework, and what she's learned from interview ... 

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