#088- Zoe Stephens: An Inside Look at North Korea From a Guide in the Country

Not in a Huff with Jackson Huff di Jackson Huff

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This week we learn about the mostly unknown closed off world of life inside North Korea. I speak with UK citizen Zoe Stephens who has worked for a tour company for several years that takes people into the country and shows them life inside the hermit nation. This was an eye opening conversation that disproves quite a few myths about North Korea while also understanding the issues within the country as well. I learned so much and while I was not shocked to hear that the everyday citizen is normally amazing (which is often the case anywhere) I was surprised by some of the other things about North Korea Zoe teaches us. This was a really enlightening conversation looking at North Korea in a very different lens than most of us in the Western world know the country.

Disclaimer: This conversation is for learning purposes about a very unkno ... 

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north korea