Neat Humans

di Owen Siebring

A series of conversations with people in my life who have a unique story to tell.

Episodi del podcast

  • Vito and Monique Aiuto (The Welcome Wagon)

    Vito and Monique Aiuto (The Welcome Wagon)

    My conversation with one of my favorite musical acts: The Welcome Wagon. Based out of New York, Vito and Monique Aiuto collectively create some of the most unique faith-based music you'll find.

  • Tim Getting

    Tim Getting

    From college football player to COPS videographer... in this episode, I visit with my old friend Tim Getting, who's lived one of the most extraordinary lives of anyone I know. He's a dear friend, and a lovely person.

  • Jacqui Kalin

    Jacqui Kalin

    Jacqui is a legend in the world of UNI women's basketball. She has also lived the Van Life and now runs a coffee-shop in small town Wisconsin. In this podcast we talk about being a representative for the gay Jewish community, and what that means in rural area in the Midwest.

  • Eric Newhouse

    Eric Newhouse

    For this episode we chat with Sioux City native Eric Newhouse. Eric is one of the original great Jeopardy! players from the 80s and 90s, and remains a legend in the J! community! Since his time on stage, Eric has pursued a unique career field, while enjoying curling and film.

  • Phyllis Masters

    Phyllis Masters

    Phyllis has one of the most amazing missionary stories to tell. She's lived an incredible life, and has funny and tragic journeys in her past. Anyone who appreciates the mission field needs to listen to this podcast. Phyllis references the book Lords of the Earth. Here's an Amazon link to that book if you wish to purchase.