One Oak Over the Line - Pseudoarchaeology Pt II

The New Brunswick Archaeology Podcast di Gabe Hrynick and Ken Holyoke

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Show Notes

Once upon a time in a secret smokefilled hotel room in Membertou, Darryl Kelman shared some of the deepest secrets of regional archaeology with your humble hosts to share some secret documents and other arcana; there were unspeakable rights, and quite a few unspeakable wrongs, too. We can’t share that with you, though. This fortnight Ken and Gabe are joined by Darryl, one of the Maritimes’ own top pocket finds, to talk about the Curse of Oak Island. Darryl shares some tips for archaeologists who want to communicate the extraordinary and real archaeology of the Maritimes without alienating people who may have discovered archaeology via pseudoscientific programming. If you liked our earlier show with Stef Halmhofer, you may enjoy this too.

Hand of Robin Squire:

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