How Short-Term Thinking is Threatening our National Security with Ari Wallach (Part 1)

National Security Law Today di National Security Law Today

Note sull'episodio
Many of the problems we face today, from recent global recessions to climate change, can be traced back to short term thinking. This week, host Elisa is joined by Ari Wallach, futurist and author of Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors our Future Needs. Ari acutely notes that we are at a significant turning point in history, one when bold change is needed to lay the groundwork for future generations. Yet, many Americans remain distracted by division and focused on the here and now. How do we compare to other nations that might be taking a longer term view of themselves? And how can we rethink our political, corporate, and education systems to better adapt to, and take leadership in, establishing the innovations to come? Ari Wallach is the Founder and Executive Director of Longpath Labs, and the author of Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors ou ...   ...  Leggi dettagli