Mostly MessyEsplicito

di Melissa Boosalis

Life, relationships, sex, dating, kids and everything’s a mess! If you are interested in relatable stories, laughing, learning, mediocre advice and general shit; this is the podcast for you! Because let’s be honest, we all make a mess.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Punked. Geo Metro. Lube.


    Punked. Geo Metro. Lube.


    Listen to stories about how my parents trust tweakers as long as they go to church, how I defeated my big ass bully bitch in grade school and why yoga pants mommies don’t care much for me. Aaaand also stuff and other things. Like sex tips, makeup tips and how I despise a very certain type of Instagram post.

  • Sex karaoke. Graffiti. Mom fights.


    Sex karaoke. Graffiti. Mom fights.


    Join me and my special guest: my husband, the bad listener. Mom stereotypes , camping stories and overhearing conversations at Target. Bitches be in fierce competition with their babies.

  • Donut anxiety. Sex sprain. More meat.


    Donut anxiety. Sex sprain. More meat.


    My first mini episode! Listen in to learn some hair and skin secrets, random..I know. Also…let’s talk about being a “people pleaser.” To please or not to please?

  • Work poops. Backyard sex. Secret Santa.


    Work poops. Backyard sex. Secret Santa.


    My husband reluctantly joins me again for another episode! the smallest and most ridiculous things in life can bring us the most anxiety. We reached out to you guys to see what gives you anxiety? What’s embarrassing? What stresses you out? Is it ordering coffee? Is it pumping gas? Join us to hear about the most relatable and laughable things that we all find so stressful. Maybe it’s the gardener seeing you have sex? Listen in for a good time.

  • Sissy boy. Nail dirt. Morning BJ.


    Sissy boy. Nail dirt. Morning BJ.


    Red flags and deal breakers...there are so many and we all have different ones. Some the same, but some so specifically different and hilarious. Using the word filatio is just the tip (pun intended) of all the shit people do that have us running for the hills. Also...fathers day is coming, let’s talk about how to make him feel special and tingly.