Reading Chaucer in Mandarin: How Do We Teach the Global Middle Ages Outside the West?

The Multicultural Middle Ages di Will Beattie, Jonathan Correa Reyes, Reed O'Mara, & Logan Quigley

Note sull'episodio

As medieval scholarship attempts to decenter the West and move towards a global and multicultural approach, we frequently ask: how do we mimic this move in the classroom? Most often, however, this question and its suggested solutions still presuppose a primarily Western and English-native speaking population of students, as well as courses situated within U.S. or European institutions. Informed by her experience teaching comparative medieval courses in both U.S. and non-U.S. institutions (China), Dr. Elizabeth Liendo refocuses our attention in this episode on pedagogy of non-Western and especially non-U.S. institutions. She asks: How can we reconceptualize our understanding of the global medieval and the pedagogy of teaching the medieval period in non-Western institutions, to primarily non-Western and English second language students? Ho ... 

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chaucercultural narratives