The Measuring what Matters Podcast

di Marshal McCallum

Anyone who has attempted to bake a cake will tell you the importance of accurate measurement. A small error in measurement can spell disaster for hours of work. Imagine for a moment, what it would be like if the way we measured ingredients was not standardized? Even worse, what if we couldn’t even agree on what we were actually trying to make in the first place? This has been the state of wellbeing metrics over the last century ...   ...  Leggi dettagli

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Colin Jackson

    Colin Jackson

    Colin Jackson currently serves as Co-Chair of Calgary on Purpose, Senior Scholar at the University of Calgary Graduate College, Board Secretary of the National Theatre School of Canada and is a member of the Arizona State University New American Council for Art and Design. He is the recipient of the Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals and a Canada Council Senior Arts Award. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, holds a BA from the University of Manitoba and a MPA from Harvard Kennedy School. The Colin Jackson Theatre in Winnipeg is named for him.

  • Sara Bateman

    Sara Bateman

    Join Marshal McCallum and Sara Bateman in the sixth episode of the Measuring What Matters series. With 15 years in public and corporate community investment and the non-profit sector, Sara Bateman brings a broad perspective of the philanthropic and non-profit organization challenges and opportunities. As a graduate of the Social Innovation Graduate program at the University of Waterloo, Sara brings an adaptive strategy and system-thinking lens to her work. In June 2021, Sara stepped away from her role as the Director, Community Investment and Impact with Calgary Arts Development. In that role, she became involved in the Measure What Matters Governance and Steering Committee. She now runs a consultancy working with clients to develop emergent strategies for system change initiatives, developmental evaluation and learning experiences. A self-professed nerd about impact and evaluation, Sara helps clients identify the data and key patterns that are important to demonstrate impact and change in community and in their organizations.

  • Kylie Woods

    Kylie Woods

    Join Marshal McCallum and Kylie Woods in the fifth episode of the Measuring What Matters series. Kylie is a passionate social entrepreneur who believes in leading through listening and vulnerability. She’s the founder of Chic Geek, a non-profit committed to building gender diversity in technology. Through its Career Pathing initiative, Chic Geek helps intermediate women in technology achieve greater career visibility and invest in their strategic professional networks. Kylie was named Top 40 Under 40 by Avenue Magazine and has been profiled in Metro News as one of "Calgary Heroes." She has also been recognized as a "Need to Know" in Alberta Venture and profiled by the Mount Royal University Summit Magazine in their feature on Women in STEM. Kylie represented Alberta in the prestigious International Visitors Leadership Program hosted by the US Department of State and was a voice for women in STEM on an international stage. Proud mom of identical twins, Lily and Mae, Kylie brings the lessons learned through her journey as a social entrepreneur into her role as a parent.

  • Cynthia Watson

    Cynthia Watson

    Join Marshal McCallum and Cynthia Watson in the fourth episode of the Measuring What Matters series. Cynthia Watson is Chief Evolution Officer of Vivo for Healthier Generations Society, a charity on a mission to inspire a wholistic mindset for healthy living. She loves to tinker in the realms of social innovation, service design and social economics to co-create solutions with communities at a systems level. She is happiest leading with heart in a lifelong quest to embolden others to make a bigger difference in the world. In her parallel universe, she Co-chair of the ActiveCITY Collective, passionate organizations leading a sustained, collaborative commitment to citizen well-being through Calgary’s emerging active economy sector. She is a graduate of the Royal Roads University Master of Arts in Leadership.

  • Jacie Alook

    Jacie Alook

    Join Marshal McCallum and Jacie Alook in the third episode of the Measuring What Matters series. Jacie is a nehiyaw iskwew (Cree woman) from Treaty 8 territory, member of the Bigstone Cree Nation. Her family originates from Wabasca, Alberta. Currently Jacie works to support collaboration at the local, municipal, and national level, as the Community Engagement & Partnership Coordinator, leading the Calgary Indigenous Sharing Network, with the non-profit, non-political Indigenous service organization, Native Counselling Services of Alberta. Her involvement with community is rooted in desire to create and deepen relationships for unity, wellness, and sense of belonging. Her two greatest teachers, are her daughters, instilling curiosity for life.