Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Mind Over Marijuana: Navigating the cerebral capacities

    Mind Over Marijuana: Navigating the cerebral capacities

    Join me for this interesting and informative chat with Dr Brian Walker Mb ChB FRACGP as we discuss Cannabis and the brain, why the laws are slow to change, and look at the function of cannabinoids'

  • Neuro-habits: Rewiring your brain for Success

    Neuro-habits: Rewiring your brain for Success

    Deb Ruth is a Senior Clinician and Social Worker specializing in child protection and trauma, mental health and the nervous system. Deb unlocks the ways in which we are a product of our habits and how we can change

  • Chronic Pain and the brain

    Chronic Pain and the brain

    Jen Uschold has completed a Fellowship in Pain Science with Evidence in Motion, and has worked in PT studying lifestyle medicine and positive Intelligence. Today Jen talks with me about acute verses chronic pain and what can be done to assist with easing the pain.

  • Neural Encoding

    Neural Encoding

    Ramona Leone Mooney studied ecosystems earning her bachelor of science degree at Michigan State University at the College of Human Ecology. Today we discuss Neural Encoding and her journey, rewiring our brains. Check out tge Empty Head exercise below https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EpPVGRsWVwAjouNEcVA5p6T-PA76DsOj/view?usp=sharing

  • Clearing Statements with Amber

    Clearing Statements with Amber

    Amber from the Watershed Initiative joined me to talk about manifesting and the importance of creating clearing statements in our attempts to manifest.