Making Bank: TalentDAO, DeSci and more with Saulthorin

Making Bank: A BanklessDAO Podcast di BanklessDAO

Note sull'episodio

Today’s guest is Saulthorin, aka BanklessChick.eth. Sauthorin has a professional background focused on graph analytics in the context of social networks. She joined BanklessDAO in July of 2021, becoming active first in analytics, and is currently an elected role holder on the Governance Solutions Engineer or GSE team.

In her ‘spare time’, she launched TalentDAO, which is studying layer zero and building human coordination experiments so that we might all benefit. In simplest terms, they are using science to fix DAOs and DAOs to fix science.

talentDAO is a community of digital vagabonds, deranged scientists, and renegade internet natives, passionate about DAOs and the future of work. We believe DAOs can provide a path forward where knowledge is decentralized and talent is unlocked for the betterment of society.

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