Note sull'episodio

Even When it Doesn't Look Good - You Still Have to Depend on Jesus

“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”

John 16:33 CEB

This passage from the book of John makes clear for us that while we are living in this world, we will have distress.

Distress can be caused by unexpected crisis, adversity, or the daily pressures that we encounter in life. We can’t always control the distress that comes into our lives, but we can control how we choose to respond to it.

When you face distress, do you choose to be closer to God or choose to ignore him and handle your feelings yourself? Jesus tells the disciples in this Scripture that the only way to find peace is by choosing to be close to God.

Do you blame God or pursue G ... 

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