Let Go And Let God

di Art Suriano

This is a weekly show geared to helping those struggling with their faith. We feature different topics, from time to time guests, and Christian Contemporary Music. The program is currently aired on three radio stations and streamed all over the world. Art Suriano, the host, has dealt with many issues himself struggling with faith when he was younger and uses a lot of self-experiences and personal examples on the program. In  ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • The Power of Prayer

    The Power of Prayer

    Nothing is more significant than prayer, and nothing is more beneficial in our lives. Yet too many Christians do not understand that and do not spend time in prayer. Some do not pray at all. When we do not pray, we deprive ourselves of a meaningful relationship with the Lord. Listen to this podcast and let Art share with you how wonderful prayer is, how easy it is to talk to Jesus and the rewards of prayer. Tune in and learn how and when we can pray every day and, when we do, how our lives change for the better. There truly is nothing more powerful than prayer!

  • Giving Up On Church

    Giving Up On Church

    The number of Christians attending church has been and continues to be in a steady decline. Why? Listen to this podcast and learn why so many have left the church yet still consider themselves Christians. Can we be true to our faith if we do not go to church? Let Art answer these questions and explain what we, as Christians, should do and why the church is essential .Listen to this podcast and discover why we leave the church, what to do when we are not getting anything out of going to mass, and how we can make that all change.

  • When We Are Truly Sorry

    When We Are Truly Sorry

    We all say or do things that unintentionally hurt or offend others. When we do, we quickly say, “I’m sorry.” But the words mean nothing unless we are sincere, and our apology is genuine. That is when we are truly sorry. Listen to this podcast and let Art explain how Christians need to be truly sorry for our wrong acts with others and, most importantly, God. It is not enough to say, “I’m sorry,” because if we want forgiveness, we need to be truly sorry. Listen to this podcast and learn what it means to be truly sorry, how we show that we are, and why it is essential for us to obtain forgiveness

  • Balancing Faith With Our Daily Lives

    Balancing Faith With Our Daily Lives

    Today, we are busier than ever. With all our responsibilities, working long hours, doing more than one job, and dealing with the pressures of everyday life, when is there time for faith? When is there time for Church, and when is there time for God? Let Art explain how our lives will change when we not only make time for faith but also when we put it first. There is no better way to eliminate the worry and stress in our lives than to let our faith take over because when we do, we are letting Jesus lead us and protect us. Listen to this podcast and learn the secret of how easy it is to balance faith with our daily lives.

  • Does God Really Exist

    Does God Really Exist

    We have all heard the question, “Does God Really Exist.” As Christians, we believe He does. But why? In a world today full of so many opinions, religions, satanism, as well as atheism, where does God fit in? Tune into this podcast and let Art share his views on why God exists, how we know, and what we, as Christians, need to do to protect our beliefs. Listen to the podcast and understand your role as Christians to help our faith grow and remain strong.