
Episode 121 KTK Take-Over: Legendary Announcers and Referees of Wrestling

Keep The Kayfabe di Keep The Kayfabe

Note sull'episodio
On this weeks episode of Keep The Kayfabe we have a Take-Over episode tag teamed by co-host Stevie G and very special guest, Gary. The boys take a deep dive into legendary referees and announcers spanning past decades all the way up to current day. These are the unsung heroes of the business and the fellas give them the shine they so rightfully deserve as they are pivotal pieces to any and all wrestling federations. The wrestlers are the men in women that go down in history and who are remembered, but with out the presentation, pump up, and drama that these key figures lend, they may only become as good as faded memories.
Parole chiave
kenny omegachris jerichodark side of the ringaubrey edwardsearl hebner