
It's My Prom And I'll Ditch If I Want To!

It's My Podcast And I'll Bitch If I Want To! di Kymberlee Amber Marlow

Note sull'episodio

Did you ever wish you could relive your prom night again? Do you look back on it and think about how magical and special it was. Yeah, me neither. Sure prom is a milestone that a young man or a young woman expeirience in high school. There are alot of hollywood movies that portray what its like when their characters are preparing for, going to, crying about , or actually having that expeirience. I have to say screw you hollywood as once again you deceived me. The dance that I went to had nothing there like those. There was no large group that broke into a well choreographed dance number. There was no formerly overlooked, or unpopular girl named prom queen. There was no rich guy and wrong side of the tracks long embracing kiss in the rain. We did however have a drunk guy that shit himself in the bathroom. Oh yeah and dont forget we also had the la ... 

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