I Strenuously Object!

di Flaherty Fardo

I Strenuously Object!, a riveting legal podcast brought to you by the Pittsburgh law firm Flaherty Fardo Rogel & Amick, is now in session. Be prepared for a mix of legal information, legal news, insight and analysis and obscure pop culture references, all served with a healthy dose of irreverence.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 3

  • The Reassessment is Coming to Allegheny County!

    The Reassessment is Coming to Allegheny County!

    It's happening and it's coming for YOUR property! Pittsburgh Public Schools have sued Allegheny County to trigger a countywide property reassessment. In this episode of the podcast, Flaherty Fardo Rogel and Amick partners Nicole Amick and Bill Rogel discuss what this will mean for property owners in Pittsburgh and Allegheny county as a whole. Topics addressed: How did we get here? What will be the effect of the office building rent crisis on tax rates? What happens during a reassessment? How soon could a reassessment happen? How will my property taxes change? What does this mean for people on a fixed income? What is the Anti-Windfall Statute and how can that protect me? Is it time to panic?

  • Can My Spouse Testify Against Me?

    Can My Spouse Testify Against Me?

    In this episode of "I Strenuously Object" Attorney Bill Rogel goes solo to explain the ups and downs of the laws surrounding what a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancé can or can not say about you in court. Bill breaks down the difference between 1. Confidential Communication and 2. Spousal Testimonial Privilege and the exceptions to the rules may surprise you. If you have legal questions of any kind or would like to suggest a question or topic for the podcast please email infor@pghfirm.com

  • What's the difference between a "fact" witness and an "expert" witness?

    What's the difference between a "fact" witness and an "expert" witness?

    In a previous episode of the podcast attorney Bill Rogel mentioned the term "Fact Witness". One of our attentive listeners noticed and sent in this question, "Aren't ALL witnesses FACT witnesses?" In this solo episode partner Bill clarifies this somewhat baffling legal terminology of the courtroom, using examples from the hit movie My Cousin Vinny. What is the difference between fact and opinion in the eyes of the court? When is opinion allowable? And why was Mona Lisa Vito such a great witness to help Vinnie Gambini's case?

  • Understanding the Certificate of Merit and How it Can Make or Break Your Medical Malpractice Case

    Understanding the Certificate of Merit and How it Can Make or Break Your Medical Malpractice Case

    In this episode of I Strenuously Object, we answer listener emails, this time concerning medical malpractice cases and their challenges. Why is it harder to find a lawyer for a medical malpractice case compared to other injury cases? What is a certificate of merit, and why do you need one for your medical malpractice case? Should you or should you not continue treatment with the same doctor that you are suing for malpractice? If you have questions about your particular medical malpractice situation please contact Flaherty Fardo here... https://www.pghfirm.com/contact

  • Bill Rogel Wins Motion For Homeowners Right to Appeal 2023 Property Taxes - Even if Previously Litigated

    Bill Rogel Wins Motion For Homeowners Right to Appeal 2023 Property Taxes - Even if Previously Litigated

    In this episode of I Strenuously Object, partners Bill Rogel and Nicole Amick discuss a recent case involving an Allegheny County School District's motion to prevent property owners from continuing 2023 appeals if their case was previously litigated.  The case stemmed from an ordinance of Allegheny County counsel which allowed all property owners to re-appeal their property assessments since the ratio was lowered. The taxing entities argued that property owners should not get two bites at the proverbial apple to lower their taxes.  After hearing arguments by Flaherty Fardo's partner Bill Rogel, Judge Hertzberg ruled in favor of the property owners and allowed the county ordinance to stand and allowed property owners to reappear their taxes even if they had already negotiated the assessment in question.  The implications of the case are significant and a huge win for property owners in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  To have Nicole Amick review your property tax issues please contact here to set up a free consultation... nicole@Pghfirm.com