
di Angela Recine

Chat with host Angela Recine about all things health and lifestyle - from workout tips, to product favorites, to advice on navigating life; this is your place! Angela dives deep into these topics while also keeping it chatty and casual. Coming from a girl in her early 20s who is always “go go go,” she understands the ins and outs on balancing school, work, friends, gym, and down time. Tune in to learn how to balance your sch ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • 45: MY MORNING ROUTINE | Self Care, Maximizing My Morning…


    45: MY MORNING ROUTINE | Self Care, Maximizing My Morning…


    Happy Friday! This week's episode dives into Angela's full 6-hour long (!!!) morning routine! From waking up at 6:30am to starting her shift at 1pm, there is a LOT that happens in between. Self care, brand work, cooking, learning... tune in to hear what you can accomplish in that time frame, or get some inspiration on what you can add into your routine too. Before the episode starts, Angela goes through her spa day from last Friday and shares some recommendations for places you can visit in Austin for laser hair removal, nails, and a massage! ENJOYYY <3. Angela's Instagram: Angela's LinkTree: InterActive Instagram: Connected Through Activity.

  • 44: DO THESE ACTIVITIES BEFORE SUMMER ENDS | Outdoor Experiences & Events...


    44: DO THESE ACTIVITIES BEFORE SUMMER ENDS | Outdoor Experiences & Events...


    Helllooooo friends, happy FRIDAY!! This week's episode gives you 7 great ideas for outdoor activities to enjoy before this summer ends. Now that it's the end of July & August is coming fast, it's time to make the MOST of summer and pack in as much as you can before fall comes and everyone starts up school and work again. From water activities to staying active to being social to just getting in some sunlight, there's something in here that everyone will find joy in. Give it a listen & go do something outdoors this weekend!! ENJOY <3. Angela's Instagram: Angela's LinkTree: InterActive Instagram: Connected Through Activity.

  • 43: EXPOSING ALPHALAND | Summer Shredding, Meeting Influencers, Our Experience...


    43: EXPOSING ALPHALAND | Summer Shredding, Meeting Influencers, Our Experience...


    This Friday, host Angela has a guest with her! Mae, or as you may know her as musclesbymae on Instagram and TikTok, joins Angela this week to spill allll the tea on what it's like experiencing Alphaland. They dive into how influencers act in public, what the environment is like, and how it feels to be around constant filming. From the shops, to the concessions & vendors, to the 3 separate gyms... tune in to hear all about Alphaland's Summer Shredding weekend. Mae's Instagram: Angela's Instagram: Angela's LinkTree: InterActive Instagram: Connected Through Activity.

  • 42: HOW TO APPROACH A GIRL OR GUY AT THE GYM | Flirting, Do's and Don'ts...


    42: HOW TO APPROACH A GIRL OR GUY AT THE GYM | Flirting, Do's and Don'ts...


    This Friday, Angela gives you the BEST flirting tips for the gym. How to approach your gym crush, what to say and what not to say, when it's a good time... after this episode, you will be FULLY prepared to go in with your best pickup line! You'll hear the top do's and don'ts on how to approach a girl or guy in the gym. From when to approach them to finding the right compliment, this episode's got you covered! Now go out there & get your gym crush's number ;) ENJOY <3. Angela's Instagram: Angela's LinkTree: InterActive Instagram: Connected Through Activity.

  • 41: GYM FAVORITES | Supplements, Workout Gear, Accessories...


    41: GYM FAVORITES | Supplements, Workout Gear, Accessories...


    Hellooo friends, happy Friday! This week's episode is a bit more laid back and chatty. We're talking allll things gym favorites - from workouts to gym clothes to supplements. Tune in to hear updates about how it's going since moving across country at age 22 and starting a new full time job, as well as some current favorites! A nice & relaxed episode this week, so throw it on and ENJOY!! <3 Angela's Instagram: Angela's LinkTree: InterActive Instagram: Connected Through Activity.