Brainpod by Engineering Day

di Linti Group

Welcome to 'Brainpod', a podcast dedicated to the minds shaping our world through engineering.

In each episode, we converse with leading engineers, exploring their journey, their work, and the ideas they're bringing to life. From infrastructure to innovation, 'Brainpod' is a podcast where we dive into the heart of engineering.

Whether you're a seasoned engineer or simply intrigued by how things work, we invite y ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 4

  • How to build a gigafactory with Alvaro Rabanos & Anneli von Cotzhausen Modin, Northvolt

    How to build a gigafactory with Alvaro Rabanos & Anneli von Cotzhausen Modin, Northvolt

    Welcome to this live version of 'Brainpod', a podcast dedicated to the minds shaping our world through engineering.  In this episode we will listen to Northvolt discussing “How to build a gigafactory”. This episode was recorded during Engineering Day 2023 in Stockholm on November 23rd.

  • Arbetsgivarpodden: Polisens digitala skifte

    Arbetsgivarpodden: Polisens digitala skifte

    Välkommen till denna liveversion av Brainpod, en podcast om de människor som formar vår värld genom ingenjörskonst. I detta avsnitt får vi lyssna till ett specialavsnitt av Arbetsgivarpodden.

  • Engineers Without Borders - Perspectives of the Engineer’s role in the climate transition

    Engineers Without Borders - Perspectives of the Engineer’s role in the climate transition

    Welcome to this live version of 'Brainpod', a podcast dedicated to the minds shaping our world through engineering. In this episode we will listen to ‘Engineers Without Borders’ discussing “Perspectives of the Engineer’s role in the climate transition”. This episode was recorded during Engineering Day 2023 in Stockholm on November 23rd.

  • How to Include Foreign-born Engineers in The Swedish Job Market with Jobbsprånget & AFRY

    How to Include Foreign-born Engineers in The Swedish Job Market with Jobbsprånget & AFRY

    Welcome to this live version of 'Brainpod', a podcast dedicated to the minds shaping our world through engineering. In this episode we will listen to ‘Jobbsprånget’ and ‘AFRY’’ discussing “How to Include Foreign-born Engineers in The Swedish Job Market”. This episode was recorded during Engineering Day 2023 in Stockholm on November 23rd.

  • När jag blir stor vill jag bli en förebild - Lisa Hällbrink, Pepp

    När jag blir stor vill jag bli en förebild - Lisa Hällbrink, Pepp

    Välkommen till denna liveversion av Brainpod, en podcast om de människor som formar vår värld genom ingenjörskonst. I detta avsnitt får vi lyssna till ett samtal med personer från organisationen ‘Pepp’ om vikten av förebilder. Detta avsnitt var inspelat under Ingenjörsdagen 2023 den 23 november i Stockholm.