• Embracing your Wild Unleashed Ero...

Embracing your Wild Unleashed Erotic Lover & Mother with Natalie Abraham

HOLY EROS di Phoenix Amara & Sonja Semyonova

Note sull'episodio
Exploring sexuality as a woman, let alone as a mother, is a complex initiation into facing your inner wounds and sexual shame often passed down through our mother lines. So my convo with Somatic Trauma Therapist Natalie Abraham was a deeply refreshing exploration where she touched on:
  • Illuminating the divine paradox that is to balance the paradox of being both an erotic sensual woman & mother and dissolving the ever selfless ‘martyred mother’ archetype to come into divine integration (or the healing of the Virgin/Whore divide and reclamation of the whole spectrum woman)
  • Her powerful story of modeling healthy curious sexual exploration for her pre-teen and how to broach the uncomfortable topics of sexual education with our children
  • Unpacking sexu ... 
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Parole chiave
sacred sexualitymother