The New Convenant According to Paul [2Corinthians 3:7-18]

Gospel Light Christian Church di Gospel Light

Note sull'episodio

By Pastor Jason Lim

There are 2 major covenants in the Bible- the Old Covenant & the New Covenant. There are 2 approaches to God.

The Old Covenant is about self-righteousness- man earns his own way to God by obeying the 10 commandments.

The New Covenant is all of grace- that God will forgive and change us because Jesus paid it all!

Here, the Apostle Paul dives deeper into the New Covenant, and shows us 4 things:

1. Comparison

Paul says the Old Covenant is glorious. But he says the New Covenant far surpasses it.

The New Covenant brings life, brings righteousness, is the work of the Spirit, and is permanent.

So, it is fare more glorious than the Old Covenant.

2. Communication

The apostles are unreserved in preaching the gospel, because they are confid ... 

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