The Meaning of 'Day' in Our Lord's Parable, Sermon by Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX

Sermons of Fr Paul Robinson SSPX di Fr Paul Robinson

Note sull'episodio
  • I would like to focus on the parable of today’s Mass and explain what it means in relation to our salvation. The parable tells the story of a day of hiring.
  • “Day” in this parable, as far as the story goes, refers only to a 12 hour period, or that part of the day that is in daylight. But the Fathers have understood this 12 hour period to be a symbol of two different longer periods of time, namely, the time before Christ, and the duration of our life.
  • If we take the “day” of the parable as the time before Christ, following Origen, we can understand the various calls at the different hours as missions given to the great figures of the Old Testament by God to accomplish His work. They are to work in His vineyard, which represents the field of labor in which a person is living for Heaven and is trying to get as many people as poss ... 
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