Roundtable 1 - Sex

Four8 Debate di Four8TV

Note sull'episodio

Let’s talk about Sex! Our panel explore what sex was intended for from a biblical perspective and look closer at the evolution of sex and sexuality for them individually. Have we become desensitised in an over-sexualised society today? Is sex before marriage just an outdated ideal and how has porn had an impact on how we approach relationships?

We chop it up at the Roundtable! Host: Ben Hurst Panel include: ZeZe Mills, Kojo Bonsu, Stacey Skeete, Elliot Nathan, Andy Gray, Isha Shah + Fran Bushe.

The Roundtable is home to 8 millennials discussing all things faith, cultural and everything in-between. 64 individuals, 8 conversations, 1 table.

Parole chiave
sexrelationshipChristian RelationshipdebateconversationSexrelationships