Did You Know About This Hidden Connection Between Your Eyesight and Gut Health? - with Jake Steiner | Ep. 48

Gut Health Reset with Dr. Ann-Marie Barter di Dr. Ann-Marie Barter

Note sull'episodio

Today on the Gut Health Reset Podcast, we are discussing your eyes, how to keep them healthy, and their unexpected connection to your gut health with special guest Jake Steiner! With the rise of modern technology, harsh, artificial interior lighting, and bright screens, your eyes are more susceptible to damage and strain than ever before. These issues can lead to conditions like myopia, but are entirely preventable with the right practices and healthy habits.

In today’s episode, we will answer these questions:

- The connection between gut health and eyesight!

- How can intermittent fasting affect your eyes?

- What sorts of light damages your eyes?

- Why could glasses actually be bad for your eyes?

- And more!


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Parole chiave
eyeseye examdry eyesmyopiaeyesight