How to Deal With Loneliness | Chris Gregg

First Christian Church of Brazil Indiana Sermons di First Christian Church in Brazil Indiana

Note sull'episodio

In this pandemic, we have seen much more than just social distancing. We have seen relationships be destroyed, social isolation increase, and mental health descend. One of the primary reasons for this is loneliness. But God didn't make us to be lonely. In fact, God made us to be together in community and gather. We want to help you live out the life God has in store for you in a safe and reasonable way.

This sermon is a part of our sermon series, More than Surviving.


We were called to more than just making it through. We were called to more than surviving life. We have been called to a life of service, love, and worship. Learn with us from our Senior Minister, Chris Gregg, as he preaches about doing more than just surviving.

This is the third sermon of the sermon series, More ... 

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christianchristianityhow to deal with lonelinessmental health