Espresso Yourself with Chuck

di Chuck Knapp

Jobs for America's Graduates-Kansas President and CEO Chuck Knapp visits with guests about their career paths, experiences, and their advice in preparing for successful futures.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • Heather Crump Deters

    Heather Crump Deters

    Chuck visits with Heather Crump-Deters, Community Impact Manager for Education at the United Way of the Plains. Heather shares how she was able to overcome some of the challenges of her youth by being decisive and just "doing something." Even if you change your path - which you probably will - everything you learn will benefit you in some way. Heather was also a teacher before moving into the non-profit sector.

  • LTC Bryan Gregory

    LTC Bryan Gregory

    Chuck visits with LTC Bryan Gregory with the Kansas Army National Guard about the benefits of enlisting in the Guard (100% college tuition assistance, great benefits, opportunities to see the world), as well as his own story of how he's had the chance to work over 35 jobs so far!

  • Alex Grecian

    Alex Grecian

    Chuck visits with New York Times best-selling author Alex Grecian about the importance of following up, the different publishing options for modern writers, and the difference between a "pantser" and a "plotter."

  • Alan Cobb

    Alan Cobb

    JAG-K President and CEO Chuck Knapp talks with Alan Cobb from the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and his role as President and CEO and his support of the JAG-K organization.

  • Alexandro Argueta

    Alexandro Argueta

    JAG-K President & CEO Chuck Knapp talks with Goodland Tech's Chief Growth Officer Alejandro Argueta about learning how to learn, the importance of mentors, and how you should never quit.