A Converstation With The Open Sanctuary Team About Microsanctuaries, How We Are Stronger Together, And The Importance Of Planning Ahead.

EQUILIBRIUM BY P.E.A.C.E. di Sarien Slabbert

Note sull'episodio

Sarien welcomes Amber Barnes, Tara Hess, Julia Magnus, and Mckenzee Griffler from the Open Sanctuary Project to the podcast for a conversation about microsanctuaries, how we are stronger together, and the importance of planning ahead.


MSc - Research Specialist

With a background as an Anti-Exploitation Animal Welfare Scientist, assessing welfare in a variety of species, Amber Barnes join the Open Sanctuary Project in 2019. Since then, Amber has been using her previous experiences as care staff at animal sanctuaries and accreditation support for the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, along with her academic research skills to develop resources aimed at providing sanctuaries with well-researched information on best care practices and sustainable operational practices. She lives with Bammers, argu ... 

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Parole chiave
microsanctuaryfarm sanctuaryveganfarmed animal rescuefarmed animal sanctuaryopen sanctuary project