Spiritual Coaches Changing Humanity: Bring Out Your Gold with Special Guest Stef Garvin

Spiritual Coaches Changing Humanity di Cheryl Stelte

Note sull'episodio

Stef Garvin's fellow MBA colleagues thought he'd won the career lottery. What they didn't know was he cried Sunday afternoons dreading going into work the next day. He felt like he was stuck inside someone else's story, until he discovered he could rewrite the script. After years on a journey to recreate his story, he now loves Monday mornings. He helps authors and speakers build abundant businesses by leveraging the power of their story.

Stef is a frequent guest on podcasts and international stages. He hosts the Sing Your Heart Song Summit, the only summit where authors', speakers', and coaches' hearts, souls, and missions sing together in abundance! He is the lead author of the bestselling book, Heart Notes: An Anthology of Inspiring Letters to Matters of the Heart. He is currently completing his next book.

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