
Into the Thick of It

Dungeons and Daiquiris di Dungeons and Daiquiris

Note sull'episodio

Mimics! Danger! Clowns! Oh my! Those bookshelves should of had a sign that said "Hands off the Merchandise!" Can the gang escape or will someone lose an arm trying?

This episode contains profanity, crude humor and violence.

Check us out on Tiktok (@dungeonsanddaiquiris) and Instagram (@dungeons_and_daiquiris)!

Gigi Garner is the DM

Hannah Myers is Oz/Stink

Liska Hromnak is Zo/Stank

Emily Brooks is Sora Nemmonis

Charlie is Zuggatin

Kayla Oldow is Egg

Dana Rue is Sprout

Theme song was created by  ... 

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