The Role of CX Professionals with Alex Mead

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals di Gregorio Uglioni

Note sull'episodio

The CX Goalkeeper had the great opportunity to interview Alex Mead

LinkedIn Headline:

Chief Customer Service Experience Officer - Transforming omnichannel CX across contact centre, digital, social & physical channels - Leading teams which innovate across all customer activities - CRM, AI, Data, Analytics


0:00 Game Start

1:41 Alex's introduction

3:08 Alex's view on the CX landscape

6:20 Alex's two bad experiences

10:18 Definition of service excellence - the definition of EPIC service

13:10 The Role of CX Professional

17:15 The missing skills in the CX community

26:25 In 10 years time what we are speaking about in relation to Customer Experience and Customer Service Experience?

29:30 Alex's book suggestion

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