CX Goalkeeper with Mary Drumond SECOND HALF - E53 is about customers' behaviours and a lot more

THE CX GOALKEEPER - Transformation, Customer Experience, and Leadership Goals di Gregorio Uglioni

Note sull'episodio

The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Mary Drumond

Chief Marketing Officer at Worthix, host of the Voices of CX, Keynote speaker and thought leader in CX.

I split the discussion in 2 episodes, the first one went live last week!

In this episode:

- How to operationalizing empathy

- Focus on identifying impact as the frequency is relative (superb example from Mary here :)

- Changing expectations are also relevant, the market is so fast (Blackberry example)

- The purchase decisioning process is steered by

tangible drivers: price, quality and relationship AND

intangible drivers: social proof and brand identification.

Her book suggestion:

"Thinking fast and thinking slow", Daniel Kahneman

Mary’s golden nugget:

“Focus on IMPACT, understand percep ... 

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Parole chiave
feedbackempathypeak end rule