CX Goalkeeper with Anna Noakes Schulze S1E23 is about Platforms and their implications on business and CX

CX GOALKEEPER - Customer Experience Goals di Gregorio Uglioni

Note sull'episodio

The CX Goalkeeper had a smart discussion with Anna Noake Schulze

Anna is a Senior Partner for CX and a founding member and platform advisor of “Women in CX”. She is a best-selling author of the «Customer Experience 3» book, a TEDx & Keynote Speaker and a Startup Mentor.

My learnings:

Platforms will change how business works as it is a different way of doing business.

  • The comparison between pipeline businesses and platform businesses makes it quite clear.

  • A pipeline business has a linear value chain (i.e., one flow from the company to the customers)

  • Platform businesses offer the infrastructure as they control the access to the value creation chain.

  • The value itself is created by the participants (sellers and buyers). Both are contributi ... 

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