#21- "Not Enougher"

#CreateYourEarthLife Christian Podcast - Bible Studies, Testimonies and Faith Based Entrepreneurship di Jenasa Prudhomme

Note sull'episodio

This episode of the #CreateYourEarthLife podcast I discuss being a "Not Enougher". I first heard this term while listening to Dr. Ramani who is a Clinical Psychologist and has dedicated her life to educating others on narcissism. She had discussed how she is a "Not Enougher" and it really made sense to me. A "Not Enougher" is someone who never feels like they are enough no matter what... you could do everything "right" in life, everything you're "supposed" to do, or even everything someone else asks of you and it still never feels like enough. I discuss where being a "Not Enougher" stems from and I discuss ways to navigate through this feeling. FYI: YOU ARE ENOUGH!

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lovemental healthsuccesstraumarelationshipsenoughnarcissismnpdnarcissisticself help