#116- Roe Vs Wade // How to talk to pro choice people (Replay)

#CreateYourEarthLife Christian Podcast - Bible Studies, Testimonies and Faith Based Entrepreneurship di Jenasa Prudhomme

Note sull'episodio

I felt this podcast episode would be fitting since roe vs wade was overturned. This episode of the #CreateYourEarthLife Christian podcast is a replay. I have a guest on from the Pro Life Missionaries of Maine, John Andrade, who is an abortion abolitionist. John shares so much valuable information about abortion, he shares God's word, and he helps us learn how to talk to pro choice people about abortion. John makes a tough and controversial topic easy to talk about with people who have opposing views. Listen to learn, listen to understand, listen to help educate others! Praise Jesus for the overturn of roe vs wade!

Here are the pro-choice questions I asked John to answer:

  1. Why are you pro-life? What is your story?

  2. From talking to pro-choice people on the streets, what have you found to be the main reason they are  ... 

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americaabortionabolitionistroe vs wadepro choicepro lifeabortion is murderchristian podcastabortion is healthcaremy body my choice