The Addictive Killer - The murder of Angela Hanaway and other Springfield murders

Cold Case MHS: Monsters and Demons di Randy Hubbard

Note sull'episodio

In the life of drugs and prostitution, the risks are enormous. The players in this world are lawless and destructive. Angela Hanaway had fallen into the darkness of the underworld never to get out. She was a good person who was pulled under the waters of the addiction pool. Angela saw many things in this world, but one thing was enough to get her killed. A monster who lurked in the shadows of Springfield's underbelly had committed a crime in front of her eyes and he had to remove her before she unmasked him. This wasn't new for this creature of destruction who couldn't outrun his actions. This monster could not help himself. Like others in his path, Angela had to go. She had run into the evil eyes of an Addictive Killer.


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monstersdemonscold case mhsmonsters and demonsmason high schoolrandy hubbardmasonAngela HanawaySpringfield