Codependent PodcastEsplicito

di Bianca Rose

Codependent Podcast is an amateur reunion with friends and family, discussing topics of life and how we are figuring it all out- together. Taking back the negative connotation of what codependency is and making it okay to rely on the inputs, advice, and stories from others to come to your own conclusion and views on everyday issues and topics.

Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 1

  • Freshman Highs and Lows

    Freshman Highs and Lows

    As brother heads to high school, we reminisce on our own freshman year of high school and getting.... high throughout the years. Good luck to the freshman and say no to drugs... at least the first year lol (Sorry for the echo in the audio!)

  • Worst House Wife

    Worst House Wife

    Maybe there are still some traditional mindsets when it comes to gender roles and expectations of a relationship. But where would you draw the line? or would you be okay that lifestyle?

  • Quinceaneras & Family Rumors


    Quinceaneras & Family Rumors


    This past weekend we went to a quince that made us take our own trip down memory lane and what we expected and how it turned out for us. One of us had a quince. two of us said no way. But maybe we can change our minds?

  • Under His Eye


    Under His Eye


    With Roe v. Wade overturned, what does that mean for us? What will the future hold for us siblings?

  • Fathers and Love Languages

    Fathers and Love Languages

    Absent fathers brings siblings closer together. How do we (sisters) tell each other that we love them? Tuen in and find out, and see what your love language is.