• TBA Now!
  • Understanding the Political Syste...

Understanding the Political System Nationally and Locally with Professor Maxwell Palmer

TBA Now! di Rabbi Keith Stern

Note sull'episodio

Are all politics really local? Maxwell Palmer, Associate Professor of political science at Boston University, explains the ins and outs of politics locally and nationally and how policy changes begin at the grassroot level. He analyzes complex topics such as the use of the filibuster in a polarized Senate and the power of today’s US Supreme Court vs years past. Max also shines a light on hot button local issues in the City of Newton regarding affordable housing, mass transit, zoning and how you might consider getting involved. Join us on this episode of TBA Now! to be enlightened and engaged.

Parole chiave
senatehouse of representativesgrassrootsboston universitycity of newtonnewton masupreme courtfilibuster