"Ethics in Open Source Research" with Dr. Shelby Grossman

Stage Talks with Bellingcat di Bellingcat

Note sull'episodio
Dr. Shelby Grossman dropped by the Bellingcat Discord Server to talk about ethical challenges that she has faced in her career. Dr. Grossman also answered questions from community members about navigating ethical dilemmas, and checking personal bias when conducting an investigation.Dr. Grossman is a Research Scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory, and is the co-editor of the Journal of Online Trust and Safety. She studies topics related to online trust and safety, including foreign influence operations and self-harm. She teaches two courses: one on open source investigation, and the other on the politics of online trust and safety. She has a PhD in government.This Stage Talk made reference to the Workbook for Applied Ethics in OSINT, written by Melissa Hanham and published by the Stanley Centre for Peace and Security. You can find the Workbook ...   ...  Leggi dettagli