Ask Noah International – The 7 Universal Commandments and Much More

di Ask Noah International

Our organization provides high quality resources for education in fundamentals, details, outlook, and practical observance of the eternal Seven Universal Commandments that G-d gave through Noah. These lessons for life are the path that G-d Himself gifted to all Gentiles.

This is known as the Noahide Code. We encourage observance of the Seven Commandments because this is the true foundation for  ... 

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Episodi del podcast

  • Stagione 2

  • A Noahide's Perspective on Finding Truth in a World Full of Misinformation

    A Noahide's Perspective on Finding Truth in a World Full of Misinformation

    A Noahide shares her perspective on good influences versus misleading influences in the world today. Misinformation abounds, especially in regard to morality and the claims of man-made religions. Therefore, Gentiles must focus on the obligation of observant Jews to promote correct learning and observance of the Noahide commandments. This will help to heal a fractured world and hasten the coming of the true Messiah, speedily in our days.

  • Thoughts from a Student of the Noahide Code

    Thoughts from a Student of the Noahide Code

    Audio reading of a message for everyone, from a student of the Noahide Code. Abraham in his generation taught vast numbers of people about the one true G-d. Likewise, Jews were given the Torah and tasked with teaching the nations about G-d and the Seven Noahide Commandments. When this task is being fulfilled, the world is being readied for the coming of the true Messiah.

  • The Morality of Doing Good – Make the World a Better Place!

    The Morality of Doing Good – Make the World a Better Place!

    Torah teaches that every act of kindness that a person does is like a pebble dropped into the water. Its good effects keep spreading and growing, reaching people and places that the person never could have imagined. That's why you don't have to be a politician, a movie star or a champion athlete to make the world a better place for all mankind. It all begins – and then continues – with doing a good deed for someone else. As we learn from the story of Joseph who was imprisoned in Egypt, giving a caring good word to someone who's down can bring redemption to yourself, to your family, to your nation, and to the whole world. That is the way G-d works through our selfless good deeds, and He usually accomplished that behind the scenes. As it says in Psalms 136:4, "[Give thanks] to Him Who performs great wonders alone, for His kindness is eternal." One of the meanings is that G-d alone knows the wondrous miracles that are sparked by a person's act of kindness.

  • What are Mitzvos (Commandments) for Gentiles?

    What are Mitzvos (Commandments) for Gentiles?

    This lesson explains that G-d gave different commandments for different people. A G-dly commandment is not just a thing that should or should not be done. The commandment also includes whom it is that G-d wants that thing to be done by, or not done by. Without that detail, the commandment is incomplete. What's commanded to be done by some people may be forbidden to be done by another category of people. Or it might not be applicable to them at all. G-d's plan for creation depends on each person doing the commandments that G-d has uniquely assigned for him or her. In that way, everyone helps to change the world from evil to goodness, and from spiritual darkness to spiritual light. A nation has to have divisions of army, navy and air force with their own unique directives. But they also have to work together in disciplined coordination in order to have a viable military for defense of the country. So too, G-d arranged His world into categories of people. There are Gentiles and Jews, men and women, adults and children. We all have to work together with each other and with G-d to make the world the better place that it's meant to be! In this way, through the eternal Torah, G-d specifies to each person how to fulfill his or her particular invaluable mission in this world. But that's not enough! The world depends not only on the commandments, but also on everyone doing good deeds. A look into the hundreds of Jewish commandments reveals that many of them are also good deeds for anyone to do! How is this understood? If a particular Jewish commandment is rationally necessary for everyone, it should also be observed by Gentiles. And if it will give a logical practical benefit to someone, which a person can know by human logic or correct morality, it can also be observed by Gentiles. Here are a few examples. From among the 613 Jewish commandments, these include universally logical positive activities such as getting married, having children, honoring parents, giving charity, proper education of children, and returning lost objects. They also preclude universally negative behaviors such as bearing a grudge, taking revenge, or deliberately misleading other people.

  • Getting Started on Observing the Noahide Code

    Getting Started on Observing the Noahide Code

    This audio lesson gives advice on how a Gentile can get started with accepting his or her obligation from G-d. The starting place is observance of the Seven Noahide Commandments from the authentic Hebrew Bible (the "Tanach", which is known as the "Written Torah"). The source verses for six of the Noahide Commandments are in the Book of Genesis, and one is in the Book of Exodus. Just as with the Jewish commandments, the source verses, and the details for how to observe them, are known and have been codified from the "Oral Torah" that Moses received from G-d on Mount Sinai. As it is taught in Chapter 1 of the Mishnah "Ethics of the Fathers": "Moses received the [Oral] Torah from Sinai and gave it over to Joshua. Joshua gave it over to the Elders, the Elders to the Prophets, and the Prophets gave it over to the Men of the Great Assembly" [the Sages of the Great Sanhedrin court]. Ideally, Gentile's should read the Tanach from a reliable, Orthodox Jewish translation. For those who are on a limited budget, we recommend the pocket-size, paperback Stone Edition English Tanach from Artscroll publishers (caution: small print; there are also larger size editions).