Parnian (Bonus Episode!)

Aren't You Hot In That di Sohailla Mahjour

Note sull'episodio


Introducing the 16 year old Parnian. She feels she has been handling the pandemic pretty well considering Iran is being cover run with the Delta Variant. When classes area online, her teacher relies on WhatsApp and Telegram applications for communication. When not in school, Parnian loves wearing make up and painting her nails. We did this interview in her bedroom and I can vouch for her nail polish collection. She literally has three shelves made up of every color you can imagine! Did you know, Iranians schools do not allow girls to wear nail polish or make up in class? You can't even pluck your eye brows or wax your mustache. Can you imagine? The ladies have to suck that part up until they graduate.

Parole chiave
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