
The Long Dumb Road

A Little Independent di Ryan Buck and Todd Burnaska

Note sull'episodio

Hello devotees of beautiful and purest cinema. This week’s episode comes to us all with special energy behind it. The point of this show is to celebrate independent cinema and all who make and support such films. Well, we got to meet a bona fide filmmaker here in our community and we are so excited to share…that he’s been a tremendous person to us. He’s shared some of his story in his journey in making this film and is a super kind and passionate person. His film is Marqueetown. It is the story of a local’s quest to restore the arthouse cinema of his youth to its former glory. This leads the filmmakers to discover a hidden cinema empire in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Joseph Beyer and his team have made something very special, and we are so happy to support his work and everyone who worked on this film. Check out one of several screenings ... 

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