Bonus Ep - Bong Bears explained - w/ Smokey The Bera and PapaBear

Agora Offsiders di Agora Podcast

Note sull'episodio

Dropkickdarren and Mark11 sit down with the ever-elusive, honey suckling Bong Bera's!

Smokey The Bera and Papabear walk us through everything Bong Bear's in the lead up to their Halloween drop - Boo Bear's (which dropped last night).

What we touch on:

Crypto backgrounds (1:03)

Ohm’s unique community (3:08)

Olympus first impressions (5:27)

Bong bear’s backstory/inspiration (10:33)

Olympus core team x Bong bears? (13:15)

Bong Bera mechanics - epochs (17:01)

Bera plans post epoch 7? (22:38)

Wen Odyssey x Bong Bears? (26:20)

Closing thoughts (29:01)

Socials (32:19)

Bong Bears:

- Twitter:

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