Digital Transformation and Future of Work in 2025

Wikistrat Insider por Wikistrat

Notas del episodio

Wikistrat's CEO, Oren Kesler, hosted a round table on new technologies that will shape the future of work in the year 2025. The panel discussed how the technologies adopted and adapted during COVID-19 are transforming human connection at work and their structural consequences for the workforce as we know it today. This panel is part of a simulation conducted by Wikistrat for Accenture on the future of work in the year 2025. The distinguished panel included three top experts, each offering a unique perspective:

Dr. Kelly Monahan is an organizational behaviorist who studies the future workforce at Accenture Research and author of How Behavioral Economics Influences Management Decision-Making: A New Paradigm (2018, Academic Press/Elsevier Publishers).

Steve Rader is the founder of Crowd Resources Consu ... 

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Palabras clave
future of work