The Why Not Today? Podcast - Season 3 - Episode 24 with Madeline McMahon, Madeline Fleehart Consulting

Why Not Today? por Leslie Kane

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The Why Not Today? Podcast - Season 3 - Episode 24 with Madeline McMahon, Madeline Fleehart Consulting

This episode features Madeline McMahon, Fractional Marketing Strategist with Madeline Fleehart Consulting. Madeline and I decided to try something new with this recording as we both did a Virtual Spa Session with charcoal mask and other products while we recorded the podcast. Madeline shared her courage journey from a door-to-door salesperson in Las Vegas to an Residential Apartment Manager to starting her own marketing business. We discussed social media and how you need to authentic and vulnerable. It took courage for both of us to be on camera without any makeup! Madeline shared tips for marketing on social media including doing what gives you joy and being consistent. She encourages anybody watching this to choose th ... 

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Palabras clave
couragebravebusinesswhy not todaypodcastsmall businessleadershipconfidencefriendslimiting beliefsmindsetpurposeauthentictrustdarefearsauthorkindnessdecisionhopeintentioncommunitystoriestransformationdreamsgoalsintuition