Notas del episodio

A small river stream is a charming and intimate natural feature that exudes a sense of tranquility and serenity. While not as grand in scale as larger rivers, it possesses its own unique charm and allure.

I stand beside the river stream, observing the water cascading over the rocks. I am mesmerized by the symphony of nature that unfolds before me. The sound of the water is a harmonious blend of gentle murmurs and exhilarating roars, each note reverberating through the air with a sense of unyielding power.

At first, as the water trickles down the rocky terrain, it creates a delicate and soothing melody. The soft, tinkling sound of droplets falling and splashing against the smooth stones creates a serene atmosphere. It's as if this river stream was inviting me to immerse myself in its tranquility.

As the stream gains momentum, it  ... 

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Palabras clave
sleep soundsnature soundscalming soundsambient soundsrelaxing soundswater soundsriver streamdeep sleep sound maskingcomforting soundssoothing soundsmeditatenatural white noise