Living-loving like Jesus: Gentleness, episode 133

When You Love a Prodigal por Charisma Podcast Network

Notas del episodio

If we could relate to our wanderers as Jesus would have, we just might see a difference in the atmosphere in our home and relationship. We have already considered compassion, kindness and humility. Surely, as we exhibit those qualities of Jesus, we could anticipate more peace and positive connection with our prodigals.

Today we take up gentleness.

Harsh. Angry. Strident. Contentious.

We can easily be drawn into the debate, the disagreement, the conflict. Our opinion is right, and we must affirm it. So we join the cacophony.

This scene displays anything but gentleness, and surely doesn’t live out this word from Proverbs: “A gentle answer turns away wrath,…” (Proverbs 15:1) And most of us have experienced this result at some time in our homes, and with our prodigals.

Judy’s Resources:

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